Love • Joy • Connection • Community


Education at St. Mary’s


Our relationship with God grows and changes throughout our lives. The education program at St. Mary’s recognizes this and aims to help members of all ages to learn about God’s love and to equip them for their life-long journey with Jesus Christ.  Programs are offered from mid-September to mid-June.


Nursery Care

Nursery care is no longer available during services.  Children younger than 3 years are welcome and are encouraged to remain in the service with their parents.  Children 3 years and up are welcome to join one of the age-appropriate Sunday School classes

Sunday School

We offer education for children from 10 am through the first half of the church service; the children join the adults at the peace, so they may receive Holy Communion.

Ages three through first grade:  The Godly Play program works with an interactive format to teach Bible stories related to the weekly lectionary, and provides an introduction to worship.

Second through fifth Grade:  This program, Mustard Seed, uses Living the Good News, which follows the weekly Episcopal lectionary.  This program provides an array of activities and helps to generate an understanding of one's faith and mission. 

Junior and Senior High Students:  The teens meet at 9:30 am on the first and third Sundays of the month to discuss and grapple with the challenges of being a teen in today’s world.  

Adult Education

From 9:15 am to 10 am, adults can explore their faith and contemporary issues in the Chapel.  Various formats are used and questions and pondering are welcome.  During Lent (the season before Easter Day), a mid-week program is offered.  Please check the calendar and events links for details!