Planning to visit St. Mary’s? Wonderful! You can find more detail elsewhere on this website, but here are the basics:
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
85 Conestoga Trail
Sparta, NJ 07871
Sunday Service Time
10 am Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer, with music
Sunday School
During the program year:
Age-appropriate classes are available beginning at 10 am for children ages 3 years old through their teens. Children rejoin their parents at the peace during the service so they can also receive Communion. Children younger than 3 are very welcome to stay with their parents in the church.
During the summer, no classes are available.
Newcomers' Events
We offer visitors the opportunity to connect with members and other newcomers each Sunday during coffee hour. Once or twice a year, a Newcomers' Breakfast is held in Shaffer Hall, giving newcomers who attend services at different times the opportunity to meet and make connections with members of the Vestry and other long-time parishioners.
Please contact the Parish Administrator if you have questions.