St. Mary’s is a part of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, as our Presiding Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, likes to say. That means we follow Jesus into the world, seeking to love God and our neighbor by serving others as an inclusive community focusing on Love, Joy, Connection, and Community.
Worship at St. Mary’s grounds us, re-connecting us with God and with one another even as it fills us with joy and lifts our hearts. There’s room for everyone at St. Mary’s, whether you consider yourself to be a cradle Episcopalian, a seeker, or a person who is spiritual but not religious.
We hope you’ll explore the website: check out the upcoming events and see how and when we gather for worship. If something here catches your attention, get in touch with us or come experience a service for yourself. Everyone is welcome!
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church: Love • Joy • Connection • Community
Sunday Morning Worship at 10 am.
We are holding services at St. Mary’s every Sunday morning at 10 am. Those services will also be available via Zoom & live streamed to the St. Mary’s Facebook page.
Sunday Morning Worship via Zoom at 10 am.
For a meeting invitation, please email Dina Marlin, Parish Administrator,
Compline on Wednesday evenings via Zoom at 8 pm
For a meeting invitation, please email Dina Marlin, Parish Administrator,
Please reach out to the Parish Administrator if you have questions or are not receiving e-mails about our online services.
May God bless you
Upcoming Services
10 AM Holy Eucharist, Sunday, March 2nd
5 PM Holy Eucharist with Ashes, Wednesday, March 5th
10 AM Morning Prayer, Sunday, March 9th
St. Mary’s, an open and affirming congregation
Reach out today.
Use the form below to contact us regarding any questions.